
Knowing Jesus in the Old Testament? A Fresh Look at Christophanies is unavailable, but you can change that!

The language of ‘christophanies’ is used technically by scholars to refer to appearances of the incarnate Son of God after his resurrection, as narrated in the New Testament Gospels and Acts. At a more popular level, though, the term is increasingly applied to alleged appearances of the pre-incarnate Son in the Old Testament. That Jesus appeared to—and was even recognized by—the likes of Abraham...

are part of a dignified Christian heritage that stretches back at least to the second century. Please recognize that, even where we differ on the interpretation, we are all motivated by the same goal: to better understand God and how he has revealed himself in every part of Scripture. As we work through the arguments that have so far been raised in favour of this phenomenon, we’ll find plenty of orthodox interpreters who’ve preferred different ways to understand the evidence. One’s views about christophanies
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